Blogger vs Wordpress – Which one is Better?

We are often asked by new users why they should use WordPress instead of free blogging services like or Blogger? WPBeginner is the largest resource site for WordPress beginners, so it is obvious that we favor WordPress over other blogging platforms. In this article, we will do a WordPress vs Blogger comparison to help you decide which one is better for your needs. We will cover all WordPress vs Blogger pros and cons, so you can make the best decision when it comes Blogger vs. WordPress as a platform for your site.

Please note that this comparison is between self-hosted and Blogger, not vs Blogger. Please see our guide on the difference between self-hosted vs Free blog.

1. Ownership
Blogger is a blogging service provided by the tech giant Google. It is free, reliable most of the time, and quite enough to publish your stuff on the web. However, it is not owned by you. Google runs this service and has the right to shut it down, or shutdown your access to it at any time.

With WordPress, you use a WordPress hosting provider to host your own site. You are free to decide how long you want to run it and when you want to shut it down. You own all your data, and you control what information you share with any third party.

See: How to Start a Blog with WordPress (Step by Step)

2. Control
Blogger is a fine tuned service with very limited tools allowing you to perform only specific tasks on your website. The things you can do on your blogspot blog are limited, and there is no way you can extend them to meet a need.

WordPress is an open source software, so you can easily extend it to add new features. There are thousands of WordPress plugins allowing you to modify and extend the default feature set such as adding a store to your website, creating portfolio, etc.

When comparing WordPress vs Blogger for business websites, then WordPress is hands down the best long-term solution for any serious business owner.

3. Security
Using Blogger you have the added advantage of Google’s robust secure platform. You don’t need to worry about managing your server’s resources, securing your blog, or creating backups.

WordPress is quite secure, but since it is a self hosted solution you are responsible for security and backups. There are plenty of WordPress plugins that make it easier for you.

There is limited support available for Blogger. They have a very basic documentation and a user’s forum. In terms of support, your choices are very limited.

WordPress has a very active community support system. There is online documentation, community forums, and IRC chatrooms where you can get help from experienced WordPress users and developers. Apart from community support, there are many companies offering premium support for WordPress. Check out our guide on how to properly ask for WordPress support and get it.

5. Future
Blogger has not seen any major update since a very long time. We have seen Google kill their popular services such as Google Reader, Adsense for feeds, and the possible demise of FeedBurner. Future of Blogger depends on Google, and they have the right to shut it down whenever they want.

WordPress is an Open Source software which means its future is not dependent on one company or individual (Check out the history of WordPress). It is developed by a community of developers and users. Being world’s most popular content management system, thousands of businesses around the globe depend on it. The future of WordPress is bright and reassuring.

We hope this WordPress vs Blogger comparison helped you understand the pros and cons of each to help you make the right decision for your business. To learn more about WordPress, we recommend you to read our guide on Why is WordPress Free? and 9 most common misconceptions about WordPress.
Blogger vs Wordpress – Which one is Better? Blogger vs Wordpress – Which one is Better? Reviewed by Sanikhan709 on July 02, 2017 Rating: 5

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